Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sweet Anticipation

Hey ya'll -

This morning I am taking a bit of time to savor some of the sweetest anticipation a grandparent can know: the impending arrival of a new grand baby. This child will be our 4th, we have waited the better part of 7 years for he / she to arrive. Yes, the parents wanted a bit of their own sweet anticipation so they chose not to learn the gender of this little one. In another few days we will finally get the big reveal and life as we know it will change once again!

The more birthdays I have, the more I think deep and long about the futures of these little people, and the long lines of generations that have contributed to their genes. Will this child have his mother's eyes, his dad's smile, his grandmother's curiosity about nature? All things to be discovered in their own good time. I can look at other children in my family and see the ancestor's contributions in them, it is fascinating to me. Better than Christmas! And I want so badly to help teach this little one about who they are and who his /  her family are.

Ever since we learned of the impending arrival, I have been knitting up a play blanket, which is almost finished. This weekend I will be up in the attic to pull down the bouncy seat, porta crib and box of infant sheets and things, to get them washed and ready. I have special toys & activities prepared for baby's Big Brother, whose world is about to turn upside down in a major way. I have casseroles in the freezer ready to take for mom & dad's first days at home to ease their load. It's such a sweet, joyful time of life. I am grateful!

My best to you and yours -   Carol in Tennessee

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